How to Use the Valuations Screen

The VALUATIONS screen is Molecule's in-app reporting tool powered by Molecule's REST API, documented here.

This valuation data can be transformed into a customized view through selection, grouping, pivoting, sorting, filtering, and aggregation. You can create and save multiple views, complete with a full selection of preferences available every time you visit our app.

First, go to the VALUATIONS screen on the left-hand side menu.

Then, click the + button to the right of any existing view tabs.

This tab should auto-populate:

Enter a name for the view in the text box, then press enter or the check mark. 

Next, click the purple COLUMNS bar on the right side of the screen to expand the column options. 

You can choose the columns you'd like to include in your view by scrolling or using our search feature. Your selections will save automatically.

As you create multiple views, they are displayed in tabs on the page.

Refreshing a View

To refresh a view, press the refresh button towards the top of the VALUATIONS screen.

Or, you can press on the date at the top right of the screen and update the reporting date.

Cloning a View 

To clone a view, hover over active view and press the copy icon next to the pencil, as shown below: 

Renaming a View

To rename a view, hover over the active view and press the pencil icon next to the clone icon, as shown below:

Type in the new name of your view, then press enter or the green check mark. 

Deleting a View

To delete a view before it's been saved, press the omit icon next to the check mark.

To delete a view once it's been saved, hover on the active view box and press the x.

Exporting View Rows

Select Rows

You can export selected rows by checking the boxes of the rows you'd like to export on the far left of the table.

Once you've selected the rows you'd like to export, press the EXPORT SELECTED ROWS in the top right-hand corner.

All Rows

To export all rows, you can check the box next to the M.ID column and then select EXPORT SELECTED ROWS, as shown above.

Or, you don't have to check any boxes and can just select EXPORT ALL ROWS in the top right of the screen.

Rows will be exported in an Excel spreadsheet.

That's it! We hope this will save you some time. If you have any questions, please let us know at

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